2018-19 (Term 1 + 2) HS5103 Social Patterns of Health and Illness (OC)

At the end of this Module, students will be able to:


1. Identify different sociological and environmental perspectives which explain how patterns of health and illness are socially determined
2. Develop an understanding of health inequalities and how these are related to societal imbalances.

Thinking skills

3. Develop a critical understanding of relevant concepts and theories
4. Analyse the relationship between societal divisions and health status
5. Critically evaluate the impact of environmental factors on health and illness

Subject-based practical skills

6. Interpret morbidity and mortality data
7. Access a diverse range of resources which enhance knowledge and understanding of health and wellbeing

Skills for life and work (general skills)

8. Work effectively in small groups
9. Deliver and defend an oral presentation using appropriate visual aids.