2013-14 SEMB GSM002 Understanding the Research Context
Understanding the Research Context
2013-14 SEMB GSM003 Dissertation Preparation and Planning
Dissertation Preparation and Planning
Primary Instructor: Allan Brimicombe
2013-14 SEMB GSM004 Dissertation
Primary Instructor: Allan Brimicombe
2013-14 SEMB GSM005 Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences
Quantitative Data Analysis
Primary Instructor: Allan Brimicombe
2013-14 SEMB GSM006 Research Attachment
Research Attachment
Primary Instructor: Jose King
2013-14 SEMB GSM012 Designing and Implementing Survey Research
Designing and Implementing Survey Research
Primary Instructor: Allan Brimicombe
2013-14 SEMB GSM017 Advanced Statistical Data Analysis
Advanced Statistical Data Analysis