08/09/2016 6 Days to go until PG Information evening Find out more about the choices open to you at our Postgraduate information Evening - Thursday 14 September, 5-8pm at Univsersity Square, Stratford.At the event you'll have the opportunity to:
09/09/2016 5 Days to go. Continue your studies at the University that is continuously investing in its students and its facilities. We’ve just invested £2.4m in a new high-tech super-laboratory, match-funded by a prestigious UK government award. The lab will be a major resource for you to use and further builds on our reputation with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) employers and industries. Find out more: https://www.uel.ac.uk/Postgraduate/Open-Evenings |
10/09/2016 4 Days to go Did you know that from the academic year 2016/17 the Government will for the first time provide a loan for postgraduate Masters study? The Postgraduate Loan (PGL) will provide non means-tested loans of up to £10,000 to taught and research masters students. Want to find out more? Come along to the finance talk at our PG information evening. |
1 More day to go We are really excited for the event, we expect it to be a really great opportunity, don’t just take our word for it, here is a quote from a visitor who came to our last PG evening. “Staff /students at the open evening really gave me the encouragement to study my proposed course”. Haven’t booked yet, don’t worry, there is still time, just click here: https://www.uel.ac.uk/Postgraduate/Open-Evenings We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. |
14/09/2016 Today! The wait is over, today is our PG Information Evening. Don’t worry if you haven’t had time to book. Just pop in and talk to our friendly staff about your options from 5-8pm.
Location University of East London University Square Stratford 1 Salway Road London E15 1NF United Kingdom |